Fast and Easy Cheese Tortellini Soup

cup of soup with colored cheese tortellini and chicken broth

I thought weeknights were exhausting when my kids were little and barely doing any extra curricular activities aside from one dance class or soccer practice between Monday and Friday.  Well, that has certainly changed to being home just long enough to devour a meal that didn’t come out of a box or the pizza place down the street.  (I employ both of these dinner strategies, by the way, I just try not to make it a daily occurrence.) During these hectic fall days filled with Friday night football games, Halloween costumes and Thanksgiving preparations, it’s nice to know that there is a super simple and fast recipe to pull out for dinner that will please just about everyone at the table.  Who doesn’t like soft pasta filled with cheese, some bright vegetables warmed in flavorful chicken broth?  If you are at my house, I’m not asking, I’m just putting it on the table and serving it with crusty bread.  Yes, you can have seconds.  No, you may not watch T.V. before you do your homework. Continue reading

Fast and Easy Turkey Meatballs in Red Sauce

turkey meatballs in red sauce over pasta with a glass of red wine

Sometimes you just need to get dinner on the table. Am I right? Springtime in my household presents numerous challenges when it comes to making a warm, satisfying dinner that can be served at different times throughout the evening. One kid is off to baseball practice not to return until well after 7:30pm but the dancer would like to eat before class which starts at 6:00pm. And what about the hangry parents? (Who do you think will finally get to drink that glass of red wine likely after 8:30pm once everyone is home and showering before bed?) I also like to make lighter versions of favorite meals since it means I may not be eating until well after regular dinner hours. That’s where the turkey comes in. But then there is the problem of dense, dry meatballs due to the lowfat nature of the turkey meat. I solved that problem by adding ricotta cheese and eggs as well as crumble feta for some extra flavor. Don’t be alarmed form the meatballs, they are super sticky. Relax. Just set up your rolling station right next to your pot of simmering sauce and drop the meatballs in as you roll them. Boil up some pasta and pour yourself a glass of wine and in no time, you will be a dinner hero.

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